

  1. Hello! (How do you do?) 你好!時租會議
  2. How are you?-I m fine. Thank you,and you? 你好嗎?我極好。感謝,你呢?
  3. Good morning / afternoon/evening/night. 早上好/下戰書好/早晨好/晚安。
  4. Excuse me.(sorry. I m sorry) 打擾一下(對不住/欠好心思)
  5. Thank you! 感謝你!
  6. You are welcome. 不用謝。
  7. How are you t時租oday? 本日還好嗎?
  8. Nice to meet you. 見到你很興奮。
  9. What’s your name? 你叫啥名子啊?
  10. My name is ×××. 我叫×××。
  11. What 舞蹈場地can I do for you? 我能為你做點啥?
  12. What s wrong with you? (What s t h e matter?)你怎樣瞭?(時租場地出啥事瞭?)
  13. It s tim見證e for class. 該上課瞭。
  14. Come in please. 請進。
  15. Let s get ready for class! 讓我們準備上課吧!
  16. Line up please! 依序排列隊伍!
  17. Attention please! 立正!
  18. At ease. 稍息。
  19. Turn left/right! 向左/右轉!
  20. One bye one plesae.No pushing.一個一個來,不要擠。
  21. Let’s go back to t h e classroom. 讓我們回教室往。
  22. It time for (breakfa時租會議st/lunch/supper/dinner) 該吃早餐瞭/該吃午飯瞭/該吃晚餐瞭
  23. Please eat up. Take your time. 把它吃完。逐步吃。
  24. Would you like some rice!來點米飯吧!
  25. Help yourself. 請吃,別忍讓。
  26. Please have some fish/vegetables. 吃點魚/蔬菜吧。
  27. Do you want anymore? 還要嗎?
  28. Anything to drink? 喝點啥?
  29. I d like to drink some milk! 我想喝點年奶!
  30. Today we are going to learn some new worlds. 本日我們將進修一些新單詞。
  31. w h o wants to try? 誰來嘗嘗?
  32. Let me try! 我來嘗嘗!
  33. It s your turn. 輪到你瞭。
  34. Don t be afraid/shy! 不要害怕/不關鍵臊!
  35. Try your best! 死力做/死力試。
  36. Do you understand? 懂得瞭嗎?
  37. Stand up/Sit down,please. 請站起來/請坐下。
  38. Listen to me carefully,please. 請仔細地聽我說。
  39. Look at me ,please. 請看著我。
  40. Watch carefully. 看仔細。
  41. What are you going to do t共享空間onight? 今晚幹啥往?
  42. I m going to Disney s English Club. 我要往迪士尼英語沙龍。
  43. I m going to learn Disney s Magic English. 我往學迪士尼奇異英語。
  44. What s on to night?今晚有啥節目?
  45. Let s watch TV. 我們看電視吧!
  46. We are going to t h e Pople s Prk. 我們要往國民公園。
  47. Be quiet,pleas見證e. 存候靜。
  48. Stop talking!(Don t talk.) 別措辭。
  49. Don t worry about it. 不要為這憂慮。舞蹈場地
  50. No problem. 沒疑問。
  51. Clap your hand會議室出租s. 鼓撐鼓掌。
  52. Class is over.(Time is up.) 下課瞭會議室出租!(時辰到瞭)
 訪談 53. See you next time,Bye bye! 下次見,再會。
  54.會議室出租 Well done! 幹得好!
  55. You are so smart! 你真聰慧!
  56. How clever you are! 你真是太聰慧晰!
  57. Let s h瑜伽場地ave a rest/take a break. 我們安息一下。
  58. It s time to go to bed. 該睡覺瞭。
  59. 分享It s time to get up.(Wake up,please.) 該起床瞭(醒醒)
  60. Wash your face/hands/foot. 洗臉/手/腳。
  61. Comb your h時租air. 梳頭。
  62. Bru共享空間sh your teeth. 刷牙。
  63. Come on, Let s play toget h er. 過去,我們一同玩。時租
  64. Let s play a game. 我們來玩個遊-戲。
  65. You are getting better and better. 你越來越棒瞭。
  66. You re making progress everyday. 你天天都在進步。
  67. You re always t h e best. 你總是Z佳的。
  68. Yo私密空間u speak English very well. 你英語說的很是好。
  69. Do you like Engli九宮格sh? (I like English very much) 你愛好英語嗎?(我太愛好英語瞭)
  70. I m pleased with your spoken English. 你的白話真令我知足。
  71. Be br家教ave, please. 請勇敢一點。
  72. Have a nice weekend! 周未高興!
  73. Happy birthday to you. (Happy New Year to you!) 誕辰興奮!(新年興奮!)
  74. Put on your clot h es. 共享會議室穿衣裳。
  75. Take off your clot h es/shoes. 脫-衣裳/鞋子。
  76. Pardon! (I beg your pardon.) 啥!請你再說一次。
  77. May I speak to ×××,Please. ×××在嗎?
  78. w h o is on t h e line? 你是誰啊?(德律風用語)
  79. This is OSA. 我是OS1對1教學A。(德律風用語)
  80. Welcome to Shiyan. 等候離開十堰。
  81. Do you like shiyan? 你愛好十堰嗎?
  82. People in Shiyan are proud of Wudang Mountain. 十堰的人以武當山為豪。
  83. Are you free this afternoon? 本日下戰書教學場地你有空嗎?
  84. I m inviting you to Mcdonald s. 我請你往麥當勞。
  85. At what time shall I come? 我啥時分可以過去。
  86. Is six o clock ok wi講座th you?會議室出租 六點可以嗎?
  87. This way, please! 這邊走!
  88. Have a good time.(Enjoy yourself.) 玩得高興!
  89. t h e same to you! 你也雷同!
  90. You are learning fast. 你學得很快。
  91. Kee教學p on trying. 不竭家教場地努力。
  92. Put up your hands,please.(Raise your hands,please/hands up) 請舉手。
  93. Hands down. 放下手。
  94. Be careful. (look out.) 留意!
  95. How are you feeling today? 你本日感慨怎樣樣?
  96. Fine, thanks, and you? 極好,感謝,你呢?
  97. Hope to see you again! 希冀能再會到你。
  98. Drink some water/tea,please. 請喝水/茶。
  99. Which one will you choose? 你要哪個?
  100. Goodbye. See you tomorrow/late/next week! 再會。明日見。

由 Compete Themes 設計的 Author 佈景主題